In this process of writing, I have learned the importance of communication to be understood. The need to have a voice to be heard in matters that will affect our lives and the lives now and our future together. The need to have a quality of life in order to provide that voice of reason and purpose. These aspects of my life’s experiences make me stop and ponder taking on another project or writing mission from one book to another.

We all have these natural gifts that we develop in life that influence our thoughts, mind, body and spirit. It is important to be aware of our senses as our guide throughout life. If there are too many struggles, it takes time to get to the root of the problem. So be aware of what we accept. It is  worthwhile because there is always a cause and effect.  There are consequences to our actions, so be responsible in what you strive for or choose to be or become. Too much money in the wrong hands seems to be the means that impresses. But, we need to question how and why it all began or was gained to be such a powerful tool to the many successes that we all seek. Use our gifts wisely for the welfare of the common good to help provide a quality of life. We need to understand the transactions we are handed. So the importance of learning, striving becomes possible and inspiring for all. 

To build that impossible dream, make it a reality to change for the better. That can happen. We don’t have to live our lives in a quagmire that drains and depletes. We are all capable when we know our reason and purpose. Sometimes the process takes longer than we thought. 

But don’t give up. If it is right, standing your ground in your determination will open the door to enlightenment as well as understanding your reason and purpose to fulfill your goals. When used for the good of all, humanity is affected by the fruits of our labor. Big money impresses, but  it’s the heart of the matter, knowing what is really needed to provide not to hide and conceal. To address and correct when problems arise out of control and too overwhelming to reach our understanding, compassion and common sense. Sometimes, we need to look at our own part of what we ignored in our comfort of apathy. Until, rudely awakened and realize we all play a part in this game of life. Let’s make it equitable. Fair and square. So there are no unexpected surprises that rudely awaken us. We are all in this life together. Always stay healthy in mind, body and spirit. God gave us this gift of life. He gave us abilities to overcome these obstacles in this life. Use these gifts for the good of all. Well, this is me and this is what I have grown to be. I just know that when we are healthy in mind, body and spirit, we can achieve our dreams.  Let’s not forget common sense. It’s in this mix somewhere and it pleasantly surprises us when we use it.  Take precious care.