As difficult as this book was to write, once more I feel such gratitude. For I appreciate the encouragement and support given when coming from a weary state of being. This is my third book. Memories of my first dedication to give was filled with such hope, yet a certain amount of fear and trepidation. I didn’t want to offend or hurt anyone. So, I tread softly, gently but I approached the subject with determination to inspire and awaken the conscience. I honestly believed, if read and understood in the sincerity written– lives could be changed for the better. We continually keep learning when healthy in mind, body and spirit. For a reason that is greater than we can understand at that moment in time. Therefore, patience is a virtue that in this world of access and excess is not always recognized or appreciated. Now, when I wrote my second book. I was somewhat angry and disappointed too. For, some did not want my book out there. But they could not have read that book. For if they did, they would have nothing to fear. In fact, it might have created more of an awareness in actions and transparency in transactions. The importance of knowing the possibilities and outcome, trust to be honest and fair in offering the best service or product possible. Keep integrity, respect and quality in your daily life at home, work and abroad. For you represent your family, your community and society here and there. Be and give the best of yourself. Others will follow. If not now, later– when they understand we are in this world together. We all have a reason and purpose. Let’s find it and make it for the good for all. No one is to suffer from broken promises and forgotten dreams. We can achieve and accomplish great things when we understand where we are coming from and where we are going. Our future is at stake when we replace or misplace. Will we learn the lesson well or the hard way? Or, will we learn at all? After all I went through and after all is said and done I still have gratitude. Life is a journey of discovery and recovery. The unique thing about this book brought a newfound incentive and interest. For that I am thankful. Whatever I write I will continue to dedicate my writings to my family, my dear friends near and far. I think of you even though the distance and the years are too far and too many. I have not forgotten my nearest and dearest. Those who have touched my life deeply and dearly. And to those who have come into my life with new energy, creative ideas that inspire and courage that brings hope when going through those tough times. We did it and did it with grace, dignity and thanks. For, those experiences open doors to enlightenment giving us the will to move forward. In unity. Together we make the impossible happen. When we believe and keep stalwart in mind, body and spirit. So once again, I will add, “This is dedicated to the ones I love.” Know who you are. Take precious care